The Lifehouse Chiropractic Studio
~ A beacon of health, healing, wellness and conscious evolution. ~
What is Health?
The World Health Organization defines health as a “a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
This means being the best that we can be in all the areas of our life and not just removing pain and symptoms.
Interesting to look at our “health care system” and recognize that the majority of the attention is placed on pain and symptom relief. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to rename this system to a “sick care system”.
I often say that symptoms are false gods meaning that
they aren’t the best indicators of our health and wellness.
Two Myths About Symptoms
1. "If you have symptoms you are not healthy."
At times it is very healthy to express symptoms. For example an
increase in body temperature (what many call a fever and are
alarmed by) is very beneficial because it causes the body to be much
more effective in fighting off bacteria and viruses.
2. "If you have no symptoms you are healthy."
There are so many examples of people who seemed perfectly
healthy one day and then drop dead from a major heart attack or
stroke the next. Does this mean that they were healthy the day they
died- of course not, just the process which lead to the death was
undetected. The most famous example of this is Sergei Grinkov the
Russian figure skater who dropped dead from a massive heart
attack at age 28 who’s friends stated "He never complained about
anything, no other skater was as healthy as he was.”
That was until he died of course.
In chiropractic we look at maximizing your health potential by allowing your body to function the best it can.
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
This means being the best that we can be in all the areas of our life and not just removing pain and symptoms.
Interesting to look at our “health care system” and recognize that the majority of the attention is placed on pain and symptom relief. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to rename this system to a “sick care system”.
I often say that symptoms are false gods meaning that
they aren’t the best indicators of our health and wellness.
Two Myths About Symptoms
1. "If you have symptoms you are not healthy."
At times it is very healthy to express symptoms. For example an
increase in body temperature (what many call a fever and are
alarmed by) is very beneficial because it causes the body to be much
more effective in fighting off bacteria and viruses.
2. "If you have no symptoms you are healthy."
There are so many examples of people who seemed perfectly
healthy one day and then drop dead from a major heart attack or
stroke the next. Does this mean that they were healthy the day they
died- of course not, just the process which lead to the death was
undetected. The most famous example of this is Sergei Grinkov the
Russian figure skater who dropped dead from a massive heart
attack at age 28 who’s friends stated "He never complained about
anything, no other skater was as healthy as he was.”
That was until he died of course.
In chiropractic we look at maximizing your health potential by allowing your body to function the best it can.