We all have natural instincts, natural tendencies and natural preferences. When living in accordance with them we will live in balance and harmony with nature. Unfortunately our authentic selves have been distorted by the domestication process. Realize that it is not only felines and canines that have been domesticated. Humans have been too. Trained to follow rules, ideas and concepts. Lured by the seductions of wealth, power and acceptance. Training our intellect to condition our behaviors, our words and even our thoughts to be a certain way. We are led to believe that if we work hard enough, paddling upstream, against the current of our natural selves we can achieve all of this and more. Sometimes it does and most certainly it creates inner turmoil between who you really are and who you think you are. Most people push through this turmoil living a life of struggle and survival with true joy and freedom seeming like things in the far off horizon. One day I will be truly happy when this finally happens.. and I will be free. The hamster wheel continues, running in circles as we race through our lives, working meaningless jobs, paying taxes, and doing what we are “supposed” to do. One day you will awaken. Awaken to this truth. The truth that you are not living your life, you are living someone elses. A life you have been trained to live. “Yikes!” you exhale, this sounds all too true. “What is the solution?” you may ask. The answer is simple but the act is quite daring – “Surrender”. Surrender? you confirm. Yes, Surrender. Surrender to your natural self. Surrender to the eternal peace that lies within. Surrender to the infinite abundance that is your natural birth right. Surrender to the ease and flow of living in tune with who you are. Because when you surrender and remember yourself as who you are your life will regain the magic and excellence with the grace and ease it was meant to be.
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The monarch butterfly is one of God’s most beautiful creations - its colors, its elegance and its fragility. Hard to believe that the beautiful monarch butterfly was once a lonely less-than-beautiful caterpillar! Wow - how does this happen? The biological term is “metamorphoses” otherwise called transformation. There comes a time in the caterpillar’s life when the transformation shift begins to happen and the new cells of the butterfly begin to develop inside. Initially, the caterpillar sees these new cells as being foreign and detrimental so it mounts an all-out immune attack on them. Temporarily, the caterpillar wins and destroys these new cells of the butterfly. As time goes on, the determination to evolve and change into the butterfly outweighs the fear of change in the caterpillar. The new cells of the butterfly take over and emerge as a new entity. This process of transformation is not unique to the monarch butterfly. In fact, it happens within us humans as well. We all possess the potential of transformation as well. We are all born into a programmed way of thinking, being and patterns of doing things. These were gifted to us from our parents, society, our past experiences and our own limited beliefs. This shapes our identity, our self or at least our ego-self. It is who we know ourselves to be. To consider ourselves as anything different would seem well…..different. As our life goes on, as we do our own inner work to heal our old wounds and expose ourselves to new thoughts and upgrades in perceptions eventually our new, authentic, selves begin to emerge. Initially this new self will seem different and perhaps even a threat to our old self. Much like the caterpillar we may do things to attack this new being that is emerging. We may revert to old habits or thoughts that destroy the new budding butterfly inside. Unfortunately, many of us do this for the rest of our lives. We live settled inside the old, comfortable ways, living as the caterpillar scared of change and becoming someone new. Some of us, who place our focus and energy on our shift, who nurture change and who learn new things will allow and support their butterfly to emerge. The process of transformation, just as it is for the caterpillar, can be and is often scary, and sometimes is uncomfortable. More importantly than the fear, consider the wonderful results and growth you can experience when you step forward. Know that each time you are adjusted, each time you read an uplifting book, each time you take a workshop to listen to a new speaker you are placing energy in your emerging butterfly. Be gentle with yourself, just as the monarch butterfly is gentle and precious - so is the new you! I encourage you to continue your journey, be brave and see the wonderful potential within! Go for it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Come to the Edge ~ “Come to the edge,” he said. They said: “We are afraid.” “Come to the edge,” he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew. -Guillaume Apollinaire (French Poet) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In life we all go through varying stages in regards to relationships. For most people they begin in a dependent place. Here we see that something other than ourselves is responsible for or is to blame for our health, joy, connection or love. This can be a parent, partner, doctor, food, substance, or behavior. This is often where many people begin when they start chiropractic care with me. They are in a tough place and need help to get better. This is not bad or wrong and sometimes is quite necessary. However, it is no place to live forever. People here relate on a 50%-50% basis of “give and take” or some combination thereof. As I begin to work with people we teach them rightful thinking about health, how true health comes from within and that ultimately they are responsible for their state. We also help them reconnect to their innate healing abilities. During this time I see people become self empowered, strong and able to step into life full force as whole and healthy people. They regain their independence. In relationships this happens as well. Two people may live together, however have moved away from needing each other and being dependant on each other. They are both very strong, whole and able people. Life is split down the middle, each sharing responsibilities and duties. Sometimes when people enter this stage of their relationship they are tempted to do things by themselves as they no longer need the other person and often many do. But this isn’t the highest form of relationship. People here relate on a 100% - 100% basis. The next step in relationship is being co-creative. This is where we can dance in relationship as two whole and healthy individuals who don’t need each other but find that life is better together. People learn what each other’s skills and gifts are and what they like doing most and come together in a co-creative way. This takes surrendering and allowing others in, not because they have to but because there is huge opportunity in it. Many people see a chiropractor for this reason, again, not that they need to or have to but that they choose to and have found that life is better when they do. In a co-creative relationship people find that 1 + 1 = 3 or more, that the partnership is greater than the sum of its parts. Where ever you are in your relationships may you be wise to grow towards your highest good. |
Hi, I’m Dr Norm Detillieux, In addition to running a successful chiropractic studio The Lifehouse, I have offered a number of different workshops centered on wellness care, creating community, awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and a wholistic approach to health Archives
February 2018
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