Do you realize how boring it would be if we were all the same? Identical twins do not have the same insides not even blood chemistry. Even the ones who are actually congenital twins do not have the same physiology because they have different nerve systems which control everything. A great example is the true story of “Masha” and “Dasha”. A new mother was told that her twin babies had died at birth. However the truth was far different: they were sent to an institute near Moscow to be studied. This was to be the fate of “Masha” and “Dasha” one of the most unusual sets of “Siamese” or conjoined twins ever born. Identical twins are formed when a fertilized egg divides into two eggs. The two eggs grow into new babies that are identical in every respect. Conjoined or Siamese twins are formed in the same way as identical twins but the eggs, for some reason, don’t completely separate; instead, they remain partially attached. It was the unique way in which these twins were connected that caused Soviet scientists to take such an interest in them. Although Masha and Dasha have four arms, they have only three legs. They stand on two of their legs, one controlled by Masha, one by Dasha (they were five before they learnt to walk) while the third, vestigial leg remains in the air behind them. The upper intestines are separated but they share a single lower intestine and rectum. They have four kidneys and one bladder, and often disagree on when to urinate. They have a common reproductive system. Because their circulatory systems are interconnected, the twins share each other’s blood. Therefore, a bacterium or virus that enters one twin’s bloodstream will soon be seen in the blood of her sister. Yet surprisingly, illness affects them differently. Dasha is short-sighted, prone to colds and right handed. Masha smokes occasionally, has a healthier constitution, higher blood pressure then her sister, good eye sight and is left-handed. The twins differing in health patterns present a mystery. Why did one become ill with childhood disease, like measles for example, while the other did not? The measles “bug” was in both of their bodies in their collective bloodstream; so why didn’t both get measles? Evidently there is more to “getting the measles” than having the measles “bug”. This phenomenon was seen over and over again with the girls (flu, colds, and other childhood diseases were all experienced separately.) If germs alone had the power to cause infectious diseases, why would one of the twins be disease-free while the other was ill? What was it in their makeup that differentiated one from the other? The answer was not far to seek. Although Masha and Dasha had common circulatory, digestive, excretory, lymphatic, endocrine and skeletal systems (they were joined at the hips), they had separate spinal columns and spinal cords. This was the only important difference between the two girls. Brings to light just how important a properly functioning spine and nerve system truly is.
A couple of weekends ago, I had the privilege of attending the Parker Seminars in Vancouver. Over the span of three days I rubbed shoulders with some influential people in the chiropractic profession, as well as listened to some passionate and fired up speakers. The shining thread that I noticed between each of the poignant and memorable presenters was their passion and inspiration. It seemed to flow out from within. These individuals had found what lights them up inside and had followed their heart to where they are today. All had a zest for life, sparkle in their eyes and joy in their voice and expression of self. It was wonderful to be around such driven human beings. This got me thinking – what inspires me? What inspires you? Dr. Jeffrey Cottingame, D.C. spoke that inspiration is to be aroused by divine influence. It is our spirits getting stirred up inside of us. Inspiration gets us excited about something and our enthusiasm pours out unbounded. You feel excited and can’t wait to talk about it, be around it, breathe it in, soak it up and live it. I believe that inspiration can propel people to another level of their being, in all aspects of their lives. It can open doors and lead to the fulfillment of dreams and success. When we get into our hearts we discover our greatness. Inspiration can come in many forms both big and small. Often it can start small and build to greater and greater awareness. Maybe you spot a new vegetable that you think would compliment your dinner; perhaps a family member begins jogging and you become inspired by their choices; possibly you notice a small child helping their parent bring the groceries in and you feel moved to treat others just a little bit better. Inspiration could even spark a new flame of passion and give your life new direction and meaning. The key is to focus and notice. What does inspiration feel like to you? Does your heart beat faster? Do you get a flush of excitement? Does time slow down? Observe what you’re doing or thinking when the feeling hits and take notice. Our bodies have messages for us if we’d only listen. If you chose to move in that direction, inspiration can give you extra energy and passion for yourself and your life. “When you’re inspired dormant talents come alive. When you’re inspired you become greater; you discover you’re greater than you thought yourself to be.” ~ Dr. Gilles Lamarche D.C. It is becoming increasingly evident to me that when most people talk about listening to Innate, what they really mean is that they are listening to pain. Listening to pain and listening to Innate are actually two very different things. Pain is the most obvious signal from our bodies. Yes pain is instructive and is valuable for us to listen to. Most often pain is a message from within that we are out of balance, out of alignment, that we need to change. In these instances pain is a message that we are disconnected or disconnecting from Innate. Sometimes pain is a result of change, of healing, of growth and is actually a good sign. Like when our bodies realign or we work out at the gym for extended periods. Pain often accompanies growth, a very important fact to realize because if our whole goal is to avoid pain our lives would become increasingly small. Messages of pain most often are indicators that something is wrong. Messages from Innate are guiding you to what is right. Message from Innate always bring with them a feeling of peace, of ease, of openness. They tend to put a smile on our face. There is often a sense of coming home, of everything falling into place when we hear them. Message from Innate tend to be quite in nature, different from the messages from Ego which are demanding and loud. Learning to listen to Innate is a refined art. We must learn to quite our minds and go within. As we do our lives will blossom to be the grand masterpieces that they are intended to be. Learning to listen to innate takes practice and discipline as much of the outside world is trying to take us away from Innate. These are only hooks and distractions trying to pull you away from source. As you do go inward and listen you will cultivate your inner guru a friend like no other who is there as chief steward of your life. Remember you will go within or you will go without. |
Hi, I’m Dr Norm Detillieux, In addition to running a successful chiropractic studio The Lifehouse, I have offered a number of different workshops centered on wellness care, creating community, awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and a wholistic approach to health Archives
February 2018
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