We are on a river of life. Our job is to flow, gently down its stream, merrily on our way, living our dream. We have the opportunity of floating merrily, merrily down a stream. If you look at any river system the majority of it's flow is gentle, especially a more mature river. "but Dr. Norm this river is turbulent, it is not what I expected, it's not what I signed up for!" First, check and see if you are the one putting boulders into your own stream. Are you creating interference in the flow of your life? Are you placing extra drama and challenges in a life that wants to flow smoothly? Are you adding extra twists and bends, dwelling on the negative or adding more into your life making it extra complicated? This is the first step….clear your own interference. In nearly every river there are periods and segments where the flow is much quicker and more intense. Now what? There are periods of our lives where we go through more intense and sudden growth and are required to move more quickly. The same principles apply. Accept what is, partner with the flow of your life and apply yourself fully. Just like when riding a river during fast sections you are wise to paddle faster, match your rhythm to the rhythm of life and let the energy of life carry you. There will be parts of the journey that may be uncomfortable and may not go the way we want them to and we are asked to ride out some turbulent times. This is all but guaranteed. Just like the river we do not get to tell life how to flow. How we deal with this is where we have choice. Are you someone who screams in resistance, blaming what is....or do you accept what is and partner with the flow. This may be new for many of you as you are so used to paddling upstream and working against life. Just think how much energy this takes to resist the flow of a quick moving river trying to maintain the same as what we’ve been used to….as some would say to try and stay “balanced”. There will be time where the aligned flow is out of balance from what we have always known and experienced. This faster flow is going to feel different because it is different. Our first response may be to resist the change see it as wrong and look to preserve life back to the way it was before. However, the invitation again is to partner with the flow and things wants to happen emerge. When things are a fast flow many feel like they have to think extra hard to figure it all out, get it right and control it. When the river is moving quickly often we are required to act faster than we can think. This requires us to connect and respond to Innate, to our intuition. Just like a baseball player that is able to sense the rotation of a baseball that is moving at him at 100 miles an hour, a feat that is simply impossible for the mind to comprehend. But innate is able to do it! When your river is moving quickly and turbulent, enjoy the ride! Yippie we are gonna shoot some rapids! Paddle with the same intensity of the river, partner with it, apply yourself fully and listen to the quiet directions of innate. If you get bumped out of the boat, it’s all good; it’s part of the game of life! Get back into the boat, learn from your experiences and hook up to the river again.
For thousands of years man has been turning to himself, his physical body, in an attempt to understand more of the divine nature that he is. This quest has been illustrated in art, spoken of in religious texts and found in mathematics with the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence (patterns that are mathematically calculated and are also found repeated within the human body). Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, is the most famous of this type of art depicting our divine nature, to which Leonardo says, "The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square corresponds to the solid physical cosmos, and the circle corresponds to the spiritual and eternal. Man spans the gap between these two worlds." In religious texts, such as the Bible we find quotes such as, "Do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?…. Therefore honor God with your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV). My first introduction into sacred geometry and the spiritual dimensions of our physical body was through a story of Dr. Sue Brown, a chiropractic teacher of mine. Dr. Brown was mapping out the geometric patterns that she was noticing in the spine and human body during chiropractic adjustments in which the body’s innate wisdom was adapting to, integrating, and evolving through various energetic patterns. During an airplane flight home, her neighboring passenger eagerly noticed the geometry she was working on. To Dr. Brown’s surprise, she found out that day that the detailed patterns that she was uncovering matched perfectly to the Tree of Life, which according to the teaching of the Kabalah (the ancient book of Jewish mysticism) is considered to be the path on which spirit descended to become man and the path which man will travel to reconnect with spirit. You may be thinking, “Hey I thought you were just about fixing my back and helping my pain go away”. Interestingly, originally chiropractic was never about pain or back aches. The developer of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer, stated, “The purpose of the chiropractic adjustment is to reunite man the physical with man the spiritual, so that the finite may know itself as the infinite.” The sole purpose of the adjustment is to align your spine with the divine so the divine can be maximally expressed through you. Growth, healing, wellbeing, spiritual evolution, and even a reduction of back pain is all a by-product of you being in alignment. “Spirituality does not mean that it has anything to do with religion. It has to do only with the development and refinement of the nervous system and the accompanying rise in the level of consciousness.” ~ Itzhak Bentov Imagine for a moment that you’ve just received some important news….you have a serious, life threatening disease. Your medical doctor informs you that, luckily, there is a new, very special treatment, with a very special gadget, done by a very special specialist, that is just what you need. The bad news is that this very special treatment is only offered miles away in a far off, foreign land. To receive the special treatment you are going to have to fly there on a very large jet, for a very long time. But, once you get there you will be able to get the special treatment for your specific condition. Gulp. This is not good news! But, thankfully, there is a treatment. “Thank heaven there is someone who can treat my special disease,” you remark. The question is, “How far are you willing to travel?” “You’ll either invest in your health now or pay for illness later.” ~Alita Madisen Now, imagine for a moment that you’ve received some other important news…you have a serious, life causing power inside of you. This is not new news, but it took one wholistic chiropractor to remind you of this very special power within. Your chiropractor further explained to you that this special power is the same special power that resides in all things and has been with us since the beginning of time. It is the same special power that created the crowning magnificence that you have become today, out of just one cell! It is this special power that heals your finger when you have a cut, grows your hair and digests your food. The bad news is that this very special power is a special power that most people have forgotten about and have become disconnected from. Furthermore, this very special power has been stored in a very specific place that few even think to go to. Your chiropractor is here to remind you and to help you reconnect to this very special power that lives inside you, a place where few think to go to. The more you look there and the more you reconnect to this very special power, the more you can live in trust, trusting this very special power’s wisdom and guidance. “But it has to be more difficult than that,” you remark. He assures you,”your ability to heal yourself is far greater than you have been lead to believe.” Again I ask the question, “How far are you willing to travel?” Are you willing to make the journey inside and tune in and trust this very special power? To travel to the far reaches of the globe and to travel to the inner dimensions of self can each be quite a journey, and both bear their own fruit. Your life is your own to travel and I invite you to remember that there is a power within that innately operates for and with you. How far you travel in partnership with this intelligence is up to you? But he will accomplish nothing until he finds himself with his innate. When he has his great objective, life will be an open book before him. Nothing can hold him back; he will take his place amongst the masters of men. ~B.J. Palmer |
Hi, I’m Dr Norm Detillieux, In addition to running a successful chiropractic studio The Lifehouse, I have offered a number of different workshops centered on wellness care, creating community, awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and a wholistic approach to health Archives
February 2018
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