There is a time in our journey when we reach a place of being good. Where things settle, comfort emerges, and survival is certain. With being good also brings a tendency to soften, to let off the gas, for us to settle. For many, being good becomes the enemy of their rise to their full greatness. Being great is far beyond just being good. Being great is not common in our society, it is not easy, and it does take diligence and perseverance. Being good leaves memories that pass with time; being great leaves a legacy. Just as good can be the enemy of being great, comfort can be the enemy of health. I have seen on many cases in working with people that we help them heal to a level where things settle, comfort emerges and survival is certain; where the symptoms that once haunted them are no longer the driving force to make change. They too, soften, let off the gas and resume living life with the same lifestyle habits that they had before. Comfort can be the enemy of true health. True health is not common in our society and it does take diligence and perseverance. Comfort leaves the individual at ease; true health radiates out, bringing those around us to ease creating a legacy of health. It is important for us to realize that symptoms are typically the last to surface and the first to disappear. What we mean by this is that it takes a long time for ill health to build before symptoms develop. And the reverse is true as well. When we heal, symptoms are typically the first to disappear. But just because the symptoms disappear does not mean that you are fully healed. After the symptoms disappear the body is just beginning to rebuild itself, strengthening and stabilizing, increasing its flexibility and adaptability, tissue will repair on a deep cellular level, core healing will also follow. From there optimization and wellness follow where your body will reach a level of health you previously have never reached. This step beyond symptoms is a critical transition. No longer do people have the symptoms that tell them they need chiropractic care, but they want their care to continue because they want to be truly healthy and firing fully on all cylinders, through their entire life. So this lifetime you have a choice. Do you want to be good, or do you want to be great? Do you just want to be comfortable or do you want to be truly healthy? The choice is yours! Firing on all cylinders, Dr. Norm
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We are All Creations. We are All Creators. Science has shown us that the mind and the body can’t differentiate between something that is visualized and the action taken in the physical world. Visualization activates the nerve system of your body and mind into experiencing “this dream” that you are creating. This hard wiring effect makes it easier for a similar scenario to be experienced by the mind and body once the original track has been laid. The more you develop this wiring the more available and ready you are for it to occur in your physical reality. When you entrain your energetic body through visualizing, the field of electricity around you vibrates in the frequency of that which you are visualizing. Our energetic body dances all day long with the infinite universe of possibilities all around us, attracting more of that which we vibrate and repelling that which is different. Know that as creator you really can have an effect on what comes your way, how people interact with you, your health, your wealth and yes, even your happiness. These are not due to chance; you do have a very important role in your creation. As with any tool, the more we practice, the better we become and the more results we will see. I encourage all of you to dedicate 5 minutes of your day, 5 minutes of every day to see your ideal life realized. It will be some of the best 5 minutes that you invest in yourself. Below I have outlined some of the important aspects of visualization that I have distilled through the last 10 years of study. Enjoy! In the end make it your own, have fun with it, and just try it out. The more you practice it the more you will be amazed at the power you have as the creator of your life. 1) Alignment is key. Although all things are possible, some things are more probable than others. When visualizing focus on your unique desires, your unique gifts, what is right for you. Trying to do, be or have something that is not in alignment will be an up stream battle, it may be possible but it will be a lot of struggle. Physical and energetic alignment is key as well. Having your nerve system aligned and energetic system properly flowing allows you to know more clearly who you really are, and will also amplify the power of your visualizing. Would it make sense then that during an adjustment is a great time for you to visualize? You betcha! 2) Start with the end in mind. See that which you are working towards done already. Feel it complete: your goals attained, yourself lying in the arms of you lover, your body healthy, whole and vibrant. The process, the how am I going to do that is secondary. 3) Emotion is power. Adding emotion to your visualization jiggles your cells, it vibrates your being and makes space in your body for something new to show up. Try actually being happy, jumping up and down, or even giggling when you visualize. Notice the rush of energy afterwards. Oh, I know it is kinda different, yet isn’t different and change what we are intending to create? 4) Put yourself in the picture. Many people have dreams that live out there and up there. They have a dream partner that is out there some where, they know their dream car but never have the courage to see themselves in it, or see themselves looking through the living room window of their new home. You being in the visualization is key. 5) Visualization works for all things. Although the movie the Secret made visualization main stream and it focused largely on material manifestations, the same power that can manifest a new home can manifest health, happiness, inner peace and global revitalization. In these changing times I believe it is critical that we all lend our creative juices to the world at large. I empower you see the oceans detoxifying, the ice caps freezing and each of the world’s children being fed a daily, nutritious breakfast? Conclusion: Visualization is a powerful tool that can be used by anyone to manifest their dreams, but it takes discipline and practise to integrate this way of thinking in our daily lives. So, go ahead and integrate a daily habit of visualization and follow it with positive thought and clarity. Share your visualization experiences in the comments section below. There are few things more important in a person’s life than finding their life’s purpose. A life purpose can help motivate and fuel the efforts of any individual with massive energy and help accomplish any task. Imagine you are trying to accomplish a goal such as getting fitter with the purpose of looking better than your friends or colleagues, contrast that with the same goal but with the purpose of living a healthier life so you can live better each moment and experience the joys of life more fully, the first one is driven by ego and positions you in a race with others to have the best physique, while the latter goal puts you in a position to improve your health constantly and be better than you were yesterday. That makes a pretty big difference right? Your purpose fuels the efforts towards your goals and having a weak purpose or one which is not aligned with your authentic self can derail your plans of achieving your goals. Have a look at these 5 easy ways you can find your life’s purpose: 1. Attune to your Inner Self: The most trusted and easiest way to find your life’s purpose is by getting in touch with your inner authentic self and removing all ego driven thoughts from your mind. This way you are in alignment with your higher self and you can ask yourself what activities and actions bring you the most joy that you could dedicate your life doing, these will show you the way towards your purpose. 2. Find out what energizes you: Observe your energy levels as you engage in different activities as this will give an indication of what naturally aligns with your authentic self. If you find you are tremendously active and energized while talking to people and interacting with groups of people, you might have a passion for sales or public speaking. If you do not tire of writing for hours and find it enjoyable, then writing might be your purpose. 3. Map out your Journey: A good way to find your purpose is to map your journey up until now, what was your childhood like? What did you dream you would grow up to be? Who were your role models in different stages of your growth? These questions will open up your inner ambitions and dreams that have stayed with you since you were younger and give you important clues as to where your purpose lies. 4. Is it Ego driven or Innate driven: The most important aspect of finding your purpose is whether it is your true purpose that is aligned with your authentic self or is it ego driven and aligned with your desires and superficial needs. This is something everyone has to figure out on their own by asking questions such as, Will this purpose benefit me alone or achieve a higher good? Or Will this purpose motivate me enough to energize me towards my goals? 5. Synchronicities: Our higher self always gives us directions through the way of synchronicities in our lives. To truly understand what our higher self wants us to pursue, we have to learn to listen and observe intently. Listening and observing phenomena in our daily lives will guide us towards our purpose. Coincidental meetings, appearance of certain symbols in unlikely places and sometimes bewildering turns of events are some of the ways we could be shown our true purpose. These are some simple methods anyone can apply towards realizing their life purpose, but these methods get simpler and easier to employ as you practice and get more familiar with them and as you discover more of your true, authentic self. Did you find out your life's purpose? Please share your purpose in the comments section below. Every year there are fields and fields of millions and millions of poppy’s all living, growing and doing what poppy’s do. And in these fields of millions there are a select few poppy’s who dare to be different. In the sea of millions the few who choose to be different, choose to go for it, to stretch themselves, to grow to be all that they can be. These few poppies find themselves ahead of the crowd, with their blossoms shining brightly for all to see, expressing their true greatness, being all that God intended them to be. It’s not that they are being boast full, ego driven, selfish, or even that they are suppressing the growth of their neighbors around them. They are simply being all that they can be which few of the other poppies attempt to be. These tall poppy’s act as an inspiration for others to step up, to stretch themselves, to go for it. And many times they are just that for those around them, actually encouraging everyone to be better. But there is also another part of the story. See because of their obvious height difference these poppy’s make themselves the obvious targets for early harvest. These tall poppy’s become the first to be cut, the first to be harvested, the first to be picked out amongst the crowd. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. This story is of course a mirror and a metaphor for us humans as well. In fact, so much so, that in many parts of the world they speak about the “tall poppy syndrome”, where people literally are afraid to stand out in a crowd for fear of being cut down, being targeted, or being picked on. Wow, how unfortunate. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. Stop and have a look, how much does the “tall poppy syndrome” play an effect in your life? Are you afraid to stand out, to shine brighter than others, to be different, to achieve your dreams? Or perhaps you are the one targeting the tall poppies. Do you find it easy to blame, to judge, to criticize those around you who are successful? Do you envy those who have what you want? Do you find it easy to gossip about the rich and famous, or the influential and successful in your town? Whether we are afraid of being a tall poppy or judging the tall poppies the effects are just as devastating. Now more than ever the world needs tall poppies. The world needs people to step into their greatness, their full self. The world needs leaders, ones to guide the way, and each and every person to do their unique part. So step up, rise up, be who you were intended to be and who cares if you’re taller than the others and if you get cut down a little. Know that this is just part of the game of being a tall poppy. What restricts people from achieving their true potential according to you? Please share your answers in the section below. Originally Published on August 4th 2016
12 weeks ago Innate said, call your parents. My solemn dad picked up the phone, “Oh, hi Norm, you must have gotten your mom’s email”. “No dad, what’s up?” “Your mom has been diagnosed with cancer.” Yikes! My heart sank as I began to connect with the energy of the moment. For my dad, cancer is one of his biggest fears, it is his boogieman. Both his parents died from cancer and many others in our family. He considered mom much healthier than himself. She is the caregiver of the family and he was almost certain that she was going to outlive him. Considering her immortality was incredibly intimidating, “Norm, I don’t know if I can survive without her”. "We are all immortal beings living in mortal bodies." Dr. John Demartini Considering your own mortality and the mortality of your loved ones can be an incredibly powerful exercise. What would change in your life if you knew you only had one month to live? What would change in your life if you knew your friends and/or family only had one month to live? Panic set in, then shame as my mind began racing with thoughts of not being enough. Then my Chiropractic philosophy kicked in and I reminded my dad what I have been sharing with them and others for years. Simple truths that can radically shift the cultural hypnosis about cancer that most live in. 1) We all have cancer cells in us, the difference between someone who has it develop into something life threatening is their immune system. We are our own best line of defence against cancer. 2) Cancer is not a noun, not an entity and it is not spelt with a capital “C”. It is a process, a process of dis-ease, one that develops over years. 3) The cancering process, like all dis-ease, is a wakeup call for change. 4) I then shared about the vitalistic mind body approach to the cancering process called German New Medicine, which has elegantly traced the source of dis-ease to internal conflicts. 5) Dr. Donald Epstein has stated the key ingredient to cancer survivors is their willingness to “fight” for their life (which initiates their immune system into fight mode). As I stated this last piece to my dad I began to laugh. My mom is one of the most tenacious people I know. I was able to confidently reassure my father, “Dad, mom is a fighter, and she is a survivor, if there is anyone who can do this she can”. Overwhelmed my father was unable to hear my words. The next day I talked with mom, she was in a fear spin, her mind envisioning the evil entity metastasizing throughout her body. She was in a very unresourced victim state. Who could blame her? If you ever find yourself in a traumatic situation remember to connect with source this is always the first step. I reinforced with her: I am perfect divine manifestation there (for external world). I am perfect divine manifestation here (for internal world). I am perfect divine manifestation now (be present). The next week was very challenging, my mom was being tested, tested and tested some more (1 set of CT scans, 2 sets of ultrasounds, mammograms, and blood work). I explained to mom about the morphogenic field of cancer. Everything has a morphogenic field; it is the field of energy and information associated with it. Cancer has a massive morphogenic field, it is a spin propelled by fear, the urgency of medical intervention (which leaves people racing from one appointment to another undergoing tests many of which are carcinogenic) and people’s own remorse of lost loved ones and their own fear of death. German New Medicine sees lung cancer (which is the most common metastasis location or 2nd cancer) as a death fright. Often they see the diagnosis of cancer can cause such a death fright, which amplifies the cancering process. Knowing my mom’s internal state was top priority I began pouring my love out to her, texting her many times a day and calling most days. "Love and gratitude are the world’s two greatest healers." Dr. John Demartini Through loving compassion I was able to relate to her through her emotional and mental spins and slowly start to steer her in a different direction. My mom’s spirit kicked in as she proclaimed “I am a survivor, I am going to do everything I can to beat this.” I encouraged her to listen to her Innate as Innate knew the way through this and each person’s path or healing is unique. With her new orientation she was supported through a series of synchronicities that only God could orchestrate. In a matter of a few days she had compiled a team of leading experts all who were aligning in their message. We began to recognize self confidence was her core issue. She worked with practitioners of chiropractic, body talk, a TCM Doctor who specialized in homeopathy, reiki and a German New Medicine teacher. She began juicing, eliminated all alcohol and sugar, reduced inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy and others) and embraced an alkaline diet. We learned of the value of essential oils like frankincense and myrrh (maybe the Bible was on to something). She added other supplements like Immune 7, NanobacTX, Turmeric, Vit. D., Milk Thistle, Multigreens, probiotics. As well treated herself for parasites and candidiasis. Healing cancer is a family affair. My father stepped forward, supporting by dropping essential oils on her lower back twice daily, doing most of the household chores and began loving her in ways previously he was unable to. My brother regained communication with me, which caused huge relief for both mom and myself. My family was stepping forward and stepping up; we were reorganizing as a family. Many others called regularly wishing her words of encouragement and expressing their love and gratitude, prayer groups were sending their healing vibes. My mom was absolutely awed by the generosity and good will of mankind. With each act of loving kindness my mom’s vitality grew stronger. She did have hard times and bad days. Initially even with all of these positive actions her blood markers were rising and her belly was getting bigger. She met with her oncology specialist, who showed her on CT scan the tumor on her right ovary and pointed out other satellite colonies that had already taken form. He confirmed a diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer and marked it as stage 4. He offered her two options; do chemo, surgery and then a follow up series of chemo or surgery and then chemo but urged her with fear to do the chemo first. She declined the chemo as she innately was not in resonance with it and informed him that she would also be working with a number of allied practitioners. He rebutted her plans and firmly stated, “I will not have you as a patient if you are going to be working with all these people that I don’t trust.” She began looking for other surgeons, hoping to find one who was open to an integrated approach, turns out he was one of two oncology internal surgeons in Saskatchewan (the other was his associate). My mom felt trapped. Her symptoms began to escalate. Her tummy ballooned, at one point she felt (and looked) 9 months pregnant. She noticed the direct correlation between conflict and her swelling, seeing changes happen within the hour of upset. At this point I went home for a visit. It was one of the most challenging times of my life. My mom was fighting for her life and it looked like she was losing the fight. I called on all my resources. God had been preparing me for this for many years. I used my chiropractic skills, offered bits of wisdom and most importantly loved her dearly. I left that weekend exhausted and uncertain of my mom’s future. Over the next few weeks I energetically needed to step back. I had given a lot. At the same time mom was stepping up. Her confidence was growing; she had made it through the dark night, cleared out many skeletons in her closet. Dad and her were growing together as a couple. She paid attention to the things that brought her joy and made her laugh. As laughter is the best medicine. She started taking Frequensea. She began working with Dr. Furstenberg, a functional holistic practitioner- who used high dose of intravenous Vit. C. and naltrexone. She also immersed herself in a 9 part series called The Truth about Cancer. (Did you know that 85% of oncologist would decline chemo for themselves and their family?) She began feeling more and more confident when at a week before her surgery she began proclaiming that she had done it, she had healed herself. She began questioning whether she needed surgery or not. I suggested that on surgery date if she hit a traffic jam or that the surgeon was just truly unruly before the surgery to take it as a sign that she did not need the surgery. The morning of her surgery her car would not start and when the surgeon met with her moments before the surgery and said, “Let’s go through the surgery procedure one more time.“ He informed mom that he was going to be leaving in a stint for the chemo. She replied that she would not be having the chemo. Again he replied with conflict informing her that she just didn’t understand that with all his training and experience he has learned to be pessimistic in situations like this. She looked him straight in the eye and said, “Sir you don’t understand, I have healed myself, when you open me up you will see I don’t have cancer anymore.” During the surgery the surgeon drained 7 liters of ascitis (a fluid that accumulates through the cancering process), her ovaries and her belly button. When he called my dad post operation he humbly admitted “I have never seen anything like this, there is no cancer.” Our body’s ability to heal itself is far greater than we have been lead to believe. My mom’s recovery has been good. She is up and at ‘um, walking ¼ mile just days after her surgery. She met with Dr. Thurstenburg who was amazed with her success and asked “I am amazed, you had stage 4 ovarian cancer, and how did you do this?” She told him her story, of the various modalities and products she worked with and most importantly of working with Innate and of her family healing and coming together. He responded, “Oh, it sounds like you did a Ho’ oponopono.” (an ancient Hawaiian healing technique). Something my mom knew nothing about, many of you are smiling as you know Ho’ oponopono is something I have been teaching and working with for years. I love you. I am sorry. I forgive you. Thank you. My mom’s healing herself (and our family) through the cancering process has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thank you God for your healing presence in our lives and to all those who have supported her healing. At first I saw it as a miracle, now I see as further proof of universal truth, when the body is aligned, surrounded by love and nourished with foundational wellness aspects like nutrition, exercise and laughter our bodies do what they are designed to do which is heal themselves. It is as simple as that. With loving admiration, from the bottom of my heart I thank you mom for stepping up and healing the “incurable”. You are an inspiration to us all. May your story act as a beacon of hope to those in their own healing crisis. What is possible for one is possible for all. Click here to Watch the Video of How Dr Norm's Mom Healed Herself |
Hi, I’m Dr Norm Detillieux, In addition to running a successful chiropractic studio The Lifehouse, I have offered a number of different workshops centered on wellness care, creating community, awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and a wholistic approach to health Archives
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